Have you ever wondered how to maximize the attendance rate and engagement at your events? With the advancement of technology, promoting events through SMS has emerged as a powerful strategy for event organizers. It is an effective, direct and highly engaging channel that can boost event registration, attendance, and overall success. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the nitty-gritty of using SMS to promote your events, from understanding its benefits to exploring practical use cases and beyond.

Understanding the Power of SMS in Event Promotion

When planning an event, one of the most challenging aspects is ensuring that your target audience is aware of it and motivated to attend. Traditional marketing methods like email blasts, social media campaigns, and print advertising can be effective but they may not reach everyone. This is where SMS comes into play.

SMS, or Short Message Service, is an excellent tool for reaching out directly to potential attendees. It boasts a staggering open rate of 98%, compared to the 20.51% open rate of emails. The immediacy and directness of SMS make it a highly effective way to communicate vital event information, reminders, and promotional messages.

Why You Should Consider SMS for Event Promotion

When it comes to event promotion, SMS offers a range of benefits that can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. Here are a few reasons why SMS should be a part of your event promotion strategy:

Direct and Personalized Communication

An SMS is sent directly to a recipient's mobile device, making it a highly personal form of communication. You can leverage this personal touch by crafting messages that resonate with your audience, thereby increasing the likelihood of them taking action.

High Open and Response Rates

As mentioned earlier, SMS boasts an impressive open rate of approximately 98%. Additionally, it has a response rate of 45% on average, which is significantly higher than other communication channels. This means that your messages are not only likely to be seen but are also likely to elicit a response.

Timely and Efficient

SMS is virtually instantaneous, which makes it an ideal channel for sending time-sensitive information such as event reminders or last-minute changes. This ensures your audience stays informed and can react promptly to any updates.


SMS can be used in a variety of ways to promote and manage your event. From sending event announcements and registration links to offering incentives and gathering feedback post-event, SMS provides a versatile platform for all your event communication needs.

Practical Uses of SMS in Event Marketing

Learning about the benefits of SMS for event promotion is one thing, but how do you put it into practice? Here are some practical ways you can use SMS to boost your event marketing efforts:

Pre-Event Promotion

  1. Leverage your database: If you already have the permission to use your contact's phone numbers for SMS marketing, you can send out a message to create a buzz around your event. Include a link to the event registration page to make it easy for recipients to sign up.
  2. Use an SMS shortcode for opt-ins: A shortcode is a special number that people can text to opt-in to receive more information about your event. Once they've opted in, you can follow up with an event registration text.
  3. Offer incentives: Encourage potential attendees to register by offering early bird discounts or exclusive perks. You could also segment your subscribers and offer special incentives to certain groups, like VIPs.
  4. Keep your audience engaged: To increase the likelihood of attendees showing up on the day of the event, keep them engaged in the lead-up to the event. Send out teasers about guest speakers or performers, along with a link to more information on your website.

During the Event

  1. Host competitions or prize draws: Keep your attendees excited and engaged by hosting text-to-win competitions. Offering exclusive prizes can increase engagement and enhance the overall event experience.

Post-Event Engagement

  1. Promote future events: After the event, target past attendees with early sign-ups for future events. Offering early-bird incentives or loyalty discounts can encourage them to register.
  2. Request feedback: Gathering feedback immediately after the event can provide valuable insights for future planning. Send a text with a link to a survey shortly after the event ends to collect responses.

Leveraging SMS for Event Organization

Beyond marketing and promotion, SMS can also play a crucial role in the organization and management of your event. Here's how:

Pre-Event Organization

  1. Send event reminders: Ensure attendees have all the necessary information they need, including the event schedule and directions. This can help them plan their arrival and ensure they don't miss out on any part of the event.
  2. Brief your staff: Keep your staff informed about any pre-event briefings or rehearsals by sending them a quick SMS.
  3. Share the event program: Build anticipation by sharing a link to the event program in advance.

During the Event

  1. Send session reminders: If your event has multiple sessions or workshops, send personalized reminders to attendees about where they need to be.
  2. Communicate last-minute changes: If there are any changes to the event program, use SMS to quickly inform attendees.

Post-Event Follow-Up

  1. Request feedback: After the event, send a text to attendees asking for their feedback. This can help you improve future events and shows your attendees that you value their input.

SMS Event Promotion: Tools and Platforms

Several platforms like Messente, Audience Republic, and EZ Texting offer comprehensive SMS event promotion solutions. These platforms allow you to seamlessly integrate SMS into your event promotion strategy. You can create a free account, compose your first message, and start sending out SMS reminders and promotional messages immediately.

These platforms also offer advanced features like SMS automation, contact segmentation, and integration with your existing event management or CRM systems. This makes it easier to manage your SMS campaigns and ensure that your messages reach the right people at the right time.


Promoting events through SMS is a highly effective strategy that can boost event attendance, engagement, and overall success. By leveraging the directness, high open and response rates, and versatility of SMS, you can create a powerful event promotion campaign that resonates with your audience.

Whether you're planning a large conference or a small get-together, incorporating SMS into your event promotion strategy can take your event to the next level. So why wait? Start exploring the potential of SMS for event promotion today!